If you area developer, investor or landowner interested in the 4-plex and 6-plex multi family development call me today to discuss your sites potential. Each city has taken a different approach with Burnaby and Vancouver leading the charge and following the Provinces housing mandate. Other communities are adapting the Provinces guidelines to fit their specific housing needs.
Each community has different standards for development that are intricate and can be difficult to navigate. Call me at 778-861-9540 to discuss your sites potential.
Multiplex and SSMUH are interchangeable terms used by many in the real estate industry when discussing Bill 44, the new legislation the Province has introduced to encourage cities and municipalities to increase their housing stock. To work on building the "missing middle" between single family homes and condo towers.
This Policy Manual is a resource to support local governments with the implementation of zoning bylaw amendments required to comply with the changes to the LGA and VC under the Small-Scale, Multi-Unit Housing (SSMUH) legislation. It establishes provincial expectations for local government implementation of the SSMUH requirements.